If you’re a lover of the lake, you’ll surely love our Bestway Hydro Force Mirovia Pro Costco review.
Inflatable boats are all the rage out in the water right now for many reasons.
They’re much less expensive than regular boats, they’re incredibly simple to use, and for many of the higher quality ones, they’re extremely durable.
There’s no age limit with these either so anyone in the family can take it out for a day of fishing or a relaxing glide around the local lake.
Don't be this guy... Get a legit boat!
We’ve begun seeing tons of these in the water lately, but one in particular has really caught our eye: The Bestway Hydro Force Mirovia Pro Inflatable Boat.
Hydroforce has been making high-quality watercrafts for quite some time, which is a major reason why they've made our top inflatable boats list.
This is an incredible boat for the price that wraps durability, portability, and versatility, all into one quality inflatable water vehicle.
Before you make that impulse boat purchase, make sure to follow us through our review of the Hydro Force Mirovia Pro.
The Mirovia Pro Review
Features and Benefits
The 10’8” length is the perfect size for about 2-3 adults with a capacity of about 350lbs. Even with that, the boat is still insanely lightweight. Even your little one won’t have a difficult time trying to maneuver it around the water. There are also 2 built-in positions for bench seats that give you options on where you can put it depending on your activities for the day or who is coming.
The durability of the Mirovia Pro is what really got us going. For the price, this bad boy is surprisingly heavy grade. The hardcore PVC build makes it possible to get the boat out in a solid amount of chop. The construction is a bit different than the first model from Hydro Force and they certainly made some upgrades. We love the addition of the extended tail tubes. Regardless of if you have an outboard engine on the back or not, the tail tubes bring some reinforced stability to the unit. Worried about rocks hitting the bottom? Hydro Force though ahead and built the strake with extra strength to help absorb shock from any hazardous artifacts that might act as a threat.
The non-slip aluminum marine grade floorboards do a good deal for the boat in terms of its durability. Though it may be difficult to stand unless you have your sea legs, knowing that you have some serious protection beneath your toes makes for serious peace of mind. The fact that it’s non-slip allows you to bring in coolers or tackle boxes without the annoyance of everything sliding around the floorboards. When you mix the rigid floorboards and the high-pressure inflatable keel, you tons of control that makes rowing and maneuvering even more of a breeze.
The best part about having an inflatable boat is that you can deflate it when it’s not in use and save a ton of space. Luckily, the Hydro Force Mirovia is up to par in the compact department. Not only that, it’s very easy to deflate as well and store in just about any size car or truck. Manually inflating it? Shouldn’t take any more than 5 minutes plus the simple installation of the seats. We’re living in the age of convenience and the guys over at Hydro Force absolutely nailed it.
The Hydro Force Mirovia Pro comes with an array of accessories so that you don’t have to wait to get started. The 2 aluminum oars are durable and lightweight and glide smoothly through the water without a ton of flex. Though the pump that it comes with is manual, a word that scares most people nowadays, it is surprisingly convenient and gets the job done quickly and effectively. It also with a small repair kit in the case of any rips or tears on the boat, along with an easy-to-read instruction manual to ease the process. Lastly, you get a nice little carry bag to put everything in when you want to store it away and a pressure gauge to make sure you don’t overinflate the boat.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of things should I look for when purchasing an inflatable boat?
The first thing you should think about is where and how often you’ll actually be using it. Tons of people only bring their inflatable boats out a few times a year. In that case, you definitely shouldn’t be spending a crazy amount of money (unless you have it of course), as you can easily get a boat with the same durability and quality materials for much cheaper without all the frills of high-end inflatable crafts.
What’s the difference between a RIB and a Cataraft?
While both are in the category of fun and inflatable, catarafts are actually much different than RIBs. First off, the designs are completely different. You can spot a cataraft by the two separates inflatable pieces that are connected with metal materials. They’re typically much faster than RIBs and are usually made for solo adventures out into the water. The unique design of catarafts allow the user to haul an insane amount of weight, such as tackle boxes, camping materials, etc., and can also support outboard motors. If you’re up for some serious solo water gliding, a cataraft is probably best for you.
What’s the difference between a RIB and a Yacht Tender?
Yacht Tenders are typically classified as dinghies and made first and foremost to tow larger boats while RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) are first and foremost made for rough water missions. The Hydro Force Monrovia certainly has characteristics of both and we highly doubt anyone out there is using this as a rescue boat. Yacht Tenders or dinghies are also known for leisure-like activities, a sentiment that even the people over at Bestway and Hydroforce market towards.
What are the pros of having a PVC boat?
PVC is polyvinyl chloride, and is a very durable, yet inexpensive material that is present just about everywhere you see inflatable water devices. Because PVC is made from multiple layers of material, it is far stronger than your typical plastic, meaning you can give it more of a beating and it will have a longer lifespan. PVC wasn’t always this way though. A few decades ago it was the “cheap-y” material that nobody wanted. Engineers of the material have come far since then and PVC is now the most consistently used material in inflatable water sports because of its quality characteristics.
How does PVC fair to boats that are constructed with Hypalon?
You got us! Hypalon definitely has its advantages over PVC, though it is also much more expensive than PVC too. It is essentially a synthetic rubber that can stand up to the elemental extremeties. If you find someone with an inflatable boat that is constructed out of Hypalon, it’s probably because that person is into boating in extreme conditions, or has probably spent some time with the Navy Seals. If you’re someone who wants to take your boat out into more extreme environments, such as those that are in the equatorial or arctic regions, we would highly suggest buying a Hypalon boat instead. Also, if you’re worried about the possibility of UV damage, Hypalon is extremely UV-resistant, meaning you can keep your boat inflated and outdoors for long periods of time without the fear of ruining it.
Can I install a motor on the boat?
Absolutely! Tons of people install motors on the Mirovia Pro. Just know that this boat wasn’t really built for speed. Most people note that the boat only gets up to about 4 knots before it peaks out. While it’s certainly no racehorse, that speed is definitely enough to get you out to shore and back.
Does the Mirovia Pro come with a warranty?
Yes! The Mirovia Pro comes with a one-year warranty. Bestway is known for the durability of many of their inflatable products such as SUPs and boats. While a nasty puncture might be the end all of your boat’s time on this plant, you shouldn’t need to worry about busting it up.
Final Thoughts - Should You Buy?
There are many different kinds of inflatable boats out there and you should definitely do some more research into what others are offering before you make your final decision. If you’re navigating out into the wild on a solo mission and looking for something with speed and agility, we recommend checking out cata-rafts.
If you’re someone living in a crazy part of the world where the weather and waves aren’t the most forgiving, look into a Hypalon craft. If you’re looking for a good hang with friends or a nice, quiet day on the lake with a fishing pole in one hand and a beer in the other, the Hydro Force Mirovia is definitely for you.
All in all, inflatable boats are meant for fun, and we truly believe this boat can provide that, along with a solid mix of durability, versatility, and portability, for a price that won’t break the bank. So yea, if you’re the kind of person looking for a little lake adventure every couple of months or so, we couldn’t recommend a better inflatable boat. Now get out there and enjoy some sun for us, whether it's with this boat or another Costco boat!
Hydro Force Mirovia Pro Review 2022