CROSSNET Volleyball Game Review

CROSSNET, the world’s first official four square volleyball game, is taking over beaches and classrooms across the country.


Four square is a millennial childhood game, which is played by four people on a divided court, with a rubber ball. The objective of the game is to get to the 4th square by bouncing the ball into your opponent’s squares hoping to eliminate them in the process.

This game has a similar four square feel but with a volleyball spin added on. Above those infamous four squares stands now the world’s first four-way volleyball net. Dividing players into four quadrants with nowhere to go.

CROSSNET is designed to be played by individuals of any skill level or age. CROSSNET can also be quickly detached via its zipper net to transform into a three-way net for volleyball skills training and a volleyball net for shortcourt, a traditional warm up for competitive volleyballers.

With an indoor version releasing later this winter, both indoor and outdoor models are perfect for your gym class, trip to the beach, tailgate, or backyard!

>> View the CROSSNET Product Page & Current Pricing <<

Our team at FinBin interviewed Greg Meade, one of three co-founders of CROSSNET, to get an inside scoop in a FAQ style interview:


How did you invent CROSSNET?

During a late night conversation, we were brainstorming new ideas for potential products. We had a dream of a game that would turn heads, easy to play, and be enjoyed by everyone. It was about four in the morning and we were reminiscing about how much we missed going out to the blacktop during middle school lunch break and playing four-square. We grew up athletes and die-hard sports fans and figured there would be no way to revive our favorite sport than by combining it with one of the most popular sports in the world, volleyball.

The very next day, we rigged up a prototype and invited friends and family to test it out. CROSSNET was a hit. We decided to get the ball rolling after that and here we are, working our way into some of the biggest retail chains in the country.

How did CROSSNET get its name?

The nets cross, it’s as simple as that. We want people to hear our name and have an understanding of the product.

What sets CROSSNET apart from other games such as Spikeball?

Like any other product, CROSSNET has competitors, but in our situation, our competitors help us grow.

We have learned from their successes and failures. As a company, we have done our best to research and learn the ways we can make our product different and diverse. We know what sets us a part from other games, and that’s our demographic. An individual at any skill level or any age has the capability to play and enjoy our game.

What would make CROSSNET a success in your eyes?

Our goal in to grow CROSSNET into a household name. Consistent growth means a few things for us:

more players, more purchases, increased online traffic, and brand awareness. We’d like to get to a point where we walk onto any beach in the country and see a CROSSNET set up. We see huge potential in the physical education market and are looking forward to introducing our indoor model to classrooms everywhere. We’ve also seen volleyball teams and camps using our net for warm ups and skills training which is very exciting.


CROSSNET is the first official four-way volleyball game.

Challenge your friends any place, any time, and set up within minutes.

CROSSNET features a detachable four-way net and is size adjustable for everyone to play.

Our signature style net allows you to easily transition from four-way competition to traditional volleyball or three-way practice mode.

should you buy?

>> See the CROSSNET Product Page <<

Company Information

Miami Beach, Florida

(860) 420-7049

  • 10/10
    Price - 10/10
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    Replay Value - 10/10
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    Difficulty - 10/10
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    Durability - 10/10
User Review
5.88/10 (4 votes)