Camille Pilar is a surfer and writer in Lingayen, Philippines. She loves to explore new waves and surf trip adventures with her friends.
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The 6 Best Boogie Boards

The 6 Best Costco Bodyboards

One of the best things about being a boogie boarder is how boogie boards have become ubiquitous.

Today, you can buy the best boogie boards at a branch near you. Higher accessibility means that more people can start getting into the sport.

If you are one of the adventure-seeking individuals who are thinking of getting into the fun world of bodyboarding, you will need to know how to pick out the right kind of board for you. Continue Reading


10 Best Waterproof Backpacks Reviewed

Best Waterproof Backpack Review

Whether you’re walking home from work, riding your bike up the side of a mountain, or going fishing out at the lake, protecting all your gear is of the utmost importance.

When rain or snow starts to come down, you must be able to keep all your gear dry.

Either that, or you’ll end up with a broken laptop, damp clothes, or soaked camera equipment.

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Groveler Surfboard History

Groveler Surfboard History

Grovelers are some of the surfboards that don’t have a very linear history, as many shapers began making them in the late 90s and early 2000s when experimentation in board shaping was a big hit.

Essentially, shaper wanted a way to stuff as much volume into as little of a board as possible.

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